Very smart, wheelwithinawheel..... I do not think you are alone in your 'ventures' ;-)
cha ching
JoinedPosts by cha ching
Can we talk confidentially?
by wheelwithinwheel inthe lot video shows what most elder’s offices are like.
actually it a pretty well-equipped one and with the video context is, without a doubt, org-approved.
but let’s face it.
March 2017 Watchtower subsidiary article "Being A Friend"
by BluesBrother in"good friends are precious" , the article begins .
that is true enough .. "it is heartwarming to see how brothers and sisters today are united by a bond that goes beyond any role or assignment in the congregation.
by their actions they are in effect saying, “i am your friend, not because i have to be, but because you are important to me.”.
cha ching
By their actions they are in effect saying, “I am your friend, not because I have to be, but because you are important to me.”
When I told my "loyal friend of over 20+ years" about the child abuse case my husband had to testify in (against the WT) and the article in her OWN ORGANIZATION'S WT of 2011 regarding 607 B.C.E., it was all she could do but get off the phone with me ASAP, and then, when I called her a few days later, she answered the phone with....
"I am sorry, no one named "____" is at this number.....
It seems that it was not because I was "important to her" that I was her friend...
But because I was a JW, and believed as she did.....
Reality check.....
Using violence to end violence?
by stuckinarut2 init really is mind blowing when we think about it : witnesses have no problem with a deity who will use violence in order to end violence?!?!.
armageddon will be gods war to kill billions of people...because it shows his love?.
cha ching
That is mind blowing logic, nowwhat, haha!
I will try that: "killed because you don't know, resurrected because you don't know."
Love it!
A JW explains Blood Fractions
by OrphanCrow ini was looking around from some information on the wt's stance concerning the use of stem cells, and i came across this article on a defending jehovah's witnesses blog.. rather than informing the reader all that much about stem cells, the author diverts the conversation into a discussion of "blood fractions" (*note: the term "blood fractions" appears to be another one of those wt bloodspeak terms coined by the wt.
"blood components" or "blood products" are the terms used more frequently by the medical world.
"fractions" implies tiny amounts).
cha ching
I was wondering if the changes to "policy" (interesting word use to describe Bible "principles") weren't the result of some higher up becoming a hemophiliac (or some other medical necessity requiring "fractions") and needing treatment that would not be available unless they made a change in policy.
Also..... it just struck me.... animals (my cat kills the gophers) eat blood all the time.... but the Society has to to say "no blood in animal food".......
Elder told me that they are required to report to police.
by CitizenofEarth inyesterday i had my weekly "mandatory" study with an elder, and i brought up child abuse and the whole issue with reporting it to the police.
he told me that they are required to report to the police immediately, and that they never deter people from reporting anything.
may i remind you that i am from denmark.. i find this interesting, as everything i find elsewhere states quite the opposite, or atleast provides statements that does not agree with his statements.
cha ching
I do not have knowledge of Denmark, and perhaps you are in that rare congregation (they do exist) but if I were an elder nowadays, and heard of ARC, and possible punitive damages for not reporting, I wouldn't care what the heck the "Society" said.
Wellllll, even if there were NO punitive damages, I would report.
by Anders Andersen inso a week or so ago we received an invitation for a jw friend's wedding anniversary party in the was addressed to 'the andersen family' (and not just mrs. andersen & baby andersen) which was pleasant of course, but not a huge surprise given the type of person who said friend is.. however, i already prepared myself to be uninvited after all.
some time ago, there was a congregation farewell party/ my surprise, i was invited too!
an elder specifically came over to my house to tell me.then some weeks later, he visited again, being terribly sorry but the invitation was revoked as the congregation got concerned over my possible presence.. with that debacle in mind, i wasn't surprised to receive a message from my friend 'hey are you at home?
cha ching
Dear AA... I think that this has become a tactic of "the Borg."
A similar control tactic happened at three weddings that we (my husband, and I, my adult son and his wife) have been invited to.
I don't even know how the elders found out about these things... but they did, and they did their dirty work.
People were told "if ex-elder gives the talk, and you go, it won't be good for you".... or "if you go to that gathering, and "they" are there......
We were not uninvited to the weddings, but people did not show up. I guess the moral people here were the ones "on the way out" who had the decency to show respect for real friendship.
Convention audio clips mentioning 1975
by Splash inthis is very topical so i thought i'd share a compilation document of 10 audio clips.. these are mostly from before 1975, taken from convention recordings at the time, stressing the importance of 1975 and getting the crowd excited in anticipation.. entire talks are embedded but it's been typed out what was said and the time point it occurs.. this document is 220mb, so be warned.. i hope you're not triggered by the drawn out assembly speech style because this is full of it.. if anyone ever tries to tell you that there was no mention of 1975, hopefully this will give you some evidence.. if anyone with the ability could turn this into a short, shareable video, that would be much more useable and shareable than this (no disrespect to the creator).. click here for the recordings.
it will be gone in one month..
cha ching
My husband remembered this you tube video featuring a former C.O. discussing why he and his wife left in 1974. He recalls how some C.O.s were saying "36 months to Armageddon brothers", then "24 months to Armageddon brothers".
This did not happen in the hall we attended, so my husband questioned our friends asking them if they remembered similar experiences. He found "two witnesses" who confirmed that they experienced the same C.O. talks as described in this video.
The entire video is relevant to the 1975 issue:
It is the seventh video down on the list "Older Witnesses Remembers Their Excitement Over 1975"
BBC interview about 1975 - never heard this before..
by defender of truth infor any lurkers who don't believe the watchtower taught that the world would end in 1975... rare jehovah's witnesses 1968 interview "armageddon and 1975" london watchtower rep speaks to bbc. --------.
but where will this system of things be by that time?
cha ching
My husband remembered this you tube video featuring a former C.O. discussing why he and his wife left in 1974. He recalls how some C.O.s were saying "36 months to Armageddon brothers", then "24 months to Armageddon brothers".
This did not happen in the hall we attended, so my husband questioned our friends asking them if they remembered similar experiences. He found "two witnesses" who confirmed that they experienced the same C.O. talks as described in this video.
The entire video is relevant to the 1975 issue:
Geoffrey Jackson's Golden Apple watch INVESTIGATED
by C0ntr013r ini went through the original footage to get a good look at the watch.. from these pictures we can probably say that it is a apple watch and that it has a golden color.
the color on the pin is black, and the band is white, grey, silvery or beige.. .
the pin is in the exact place for it to be a apple watch.. only apple watch edition have the gold color.
cha ching
If JWs were advised to buy Apple i-pads, and Apple had a sale of over one million, they just might donate a 'bonus' to the GB.... an advertising plus.
Any leaked GB expense receipts?
by Bad_Wolf ini heard how in the 80's the gb always flew first class, nice resort hotels, etc.
there are the photos of geoffrey with his 17k apple watch, etc.
unless they are paying for cash, many of these things would have a paper trail on credit card statements, etc.
cha ching
I care, it's about hypocrisy.... Every level of their lives, from the worst to the least is a hypocrisy.
Child abuse is at the top, but then to go around wearing expensive clothing, jewelry, and telling everyone else to be giving up their ice cream money is the extra twist on the screw in your hand.
Don't they make a "vow of poverty"?
"We care about child abuse, we abhor child abuse" .... ("Can you please make that a $3,000 suit?")
What's that song.... "If Jesus wore a Rolex?...."